Foxcroft Community
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Pool Rules
Clubhouse Rules
Reserve Clubhouse And/Or Pool
RSVP For An Event
HOA Summary
Board of Directors
Board Meeting Minutes
Governing Documents
Architectural Review Board
Foxcroft Community Foxcroft Community

Below are some questions frequently asked of the Owners Association.  The answers to these questions are simply intended as guidance for residents or those interested in Foxcroft and are not intended in any way to affect the covenants and restrictions which are applicable to the neighborhood.  For the most definitive, thorough and accurate answers regarding questions of covenants or restrictions, please refer to the controlling document.  If you have a question which is not addressed here, please contact us or post to the Message Board.

  • chevron_rightAre "House for Sale" signs permitted?
    Signs of all kinds are not permitted by the terms of our covenants, unless approved by the ARB.  The ARB has created guidelines under which a "For Sale" sign, by a realtor or by owner, will be allowed. Those guidelines are available here. Any sign which does not meet those guidelines is prohibited.
  • chevron_rightHow can I get involved in the HOA?
    We're glad you asked that question!  Foxcroft is such a great neighborhood because of people like you who get involved.  There are many opportunities for involvement.  All residents are invited to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings which typically occur on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse. Directorships are for two years and certain spots are open for election each year.  There are also several committees which may interest you.  If you are interested in joining a committee or want to find out more about one, please contact us via the Contact Us page. there are also volunteer "work" days throughout the year and special projects you can volunteer on. Thank you for your interest.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get replacement pool keys?
    Replacement pool keys are available from the Association Manager.  Please visit the Contact Us page for current contact information.  Each replacement key is $5.00.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I request a Disclosure Packet when I am selling my house?
    We're sorry you'll be leaving Foxcroft!! To receive a Disclosure Packet please use the Contact Us link on the website and message the Association Manager. Provide all of your contact info, including address and they will coordinate getting you this packet. Best of luck.
  • chevron_rightHow do I reserve the clubhouse and/or pool grill?
    Please visit the Reserve clubhouse section of our website
    Clubhouse Rules
    1. As a member of the Foxcroft Owners Association, a homeowner may reserve the Foxcroft Clubhouse, subject to availability, by completing the Reservations section of our website.  Clubhouse reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Availability may be checked via the website, which should be up-to-date, but is not a guarantee of availability. A reservation time should allow for one hour before and after the planned event for set-up and clean-up.
    2. The Certificate of Occupancy for the clubhouse limits the main level, which includes the deck area, to 50 “Total Persons”.  It is the responsibility of the Foxcroft resident reserving the clubhouse to make sure this occupancy limit is observed.  Exceeding the County occupancy limit may result in eviction, receipt of a citation and a fine.  Smoking is NOT permitted in the Clubhouse.  Any cost, fine or assessment made against the HOA shall be collectible by the HOA against the homeowner whose event gave rise to the violation.
    3. Each homeowner is responsible to supervise the activities in the Clubhouse during his/her reservation and/or use of the pool and pool area. Please review the pool rules and ensure all guests who plan to use the pool are aware of them. The homeowner assumes full responsibility and liability for all of his/her guests' activities during the reserved period of use. The homeowner is responsible for any damage to the facility caused by his/her guests. Foxcroft Owners Association will not be responsible for any negligence, liability or illegal activities.
    Noise:  Please be courteous to neighbors that live near the clubhouse and keep music at a reasonable level.  County noise ordinances apply, and police may be called if levels are exceeded.  
    4. A reservation of the clubhouse and/or pool grill does not reserve the pool or pool area. Guests are entitled to use the pool as long as the homeowner is present. The pool and pool area close at 10:00 pm. All persons must stop using the pool and pool area at that time even if a clubhouse reservation extends beyond 10:00 pm. The homeowner is responsible for ensuring all guests observe the pool closing time. It is important to do so out of courtesy to neighbors and also to allow for the pool and pool area to be closed down by the pool closers. 
    5. When planning your activities, please be considerate of your neighbors in the area. Keep noise levels inside and outside the facility at a reasonable level. It is recommended that all activities be moved indoors when the pool closes at 10:00 pm. 
    6. When leaving the facility, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to do the following:
    Remove all trash from the clubhouse to the outside containers in the parking area.
    Clean all tables and place all folding tables back in the appropriate storage area.
    Make sure all the furniture is placed as it was when you arrived.
    Leave the bathroom clean.
    Vacuum the rooms.
    Remove all food items brought to the clubhouse.
    Turn off all lights except the interior lamp, back porch and front entrance light.
    Lock all doors when you leave.  
  • chevron_rightHow much are the HOA dues and what do they include?
    Currently, HOA dues are $61.22 per month, which includes your use of the community amenities, maintenance of those amenities and the common areas.
  • chevron_rightIf I don't use the pool, can I get a reduction in my monthly dues?
    The monthly dues amount is standard and is the same for all Foxcroft residents regardless of how frequently the amenities (pool, clubhouse, playground, walking trails) are used by each homeowner.  No reduction is available.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the pool rules and hours?
    Pool Rules

        * Recreational swimming:  10am-10pm (early morning lap swimmers welcome).  The area within the pool fence is closed at all other times.
        * All homeowners must be familiar with the location of all safety equipment such as the “shepherd’s crook,” life ring and backboard available for emergency use.  The “shepherd’s crook” is located under the clubhouse deck; the life ring hangs on the pool fence, and the backboard is located in the supply room.
        * ALWAYS keep all pool gates CLOSED.  Propping them open or leaving them unlocked is prohibited.
        * Call 911 if there is an emergency.  The address of the pool is 1241 Foxvale Lane.
        * Every child younger than 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
        * Infants/toddlers MUST use swim diapers/suits designed for water use, e.g. “Huggies Little Swimmers.” 
        * NO diving or running. 
        * Absolutely NO GLASS is allowed within the pool fence. 
        * Eating and drinking IN the pool is prohibited.  All food and drink around the pool must be cleaned up and put away promptly.
    Parties & Guests
        * All guests must be accompanied by a Foxcroft homeowner.  No guests are to use the pool without a Foxcroft homeowner present, and all guests are subject to and must be made aware of the Foxcroft pool rules by the homeowner.
        * If you are planning a function at the pool where you expect to have 15 or more people, you MUST call the Clubhouse Coordinator or use the online Clubhouse and Pool Event Registration form to schedule your party (  No more than one party of that size will be permitted at a time due to the growing concerns regarding pool overcrowding.  NOTE: The pool may not be reserved for exclusive use by you and your guests.
        * Do not bring a sick child to the pool.  When a biological accident occurs in the pool, it must be shut down to be treated.  Any such accident must be reported to a Pool Committee Chairperson, Board member or to the pool service company, Water Pro, immediately, and the homeowner should place the Pool Closed signs around the pool.  The Pool Closed signs are located in the supply room.  Phone numbers for such contact people are posted on the bulletin board under the pool deck. WaterPro will determine when it is safe to use the pool again.  
        * Soiled diapers must be disposed of directly in the trash cans located in the parking lot.  DO NOT place soiled diapers in the trash cans on the pool deck.
        * Please keep the bathrooms clean, particularly after your young children have used them.
    Common Courtesy
        * Music volume must be kept at a respectable level.  The maximum allowed volume on the pool sound system is 35.
        * Homeowners are responsible to clean up after themselves, their children and their guests (this involves closing your umbrella, wiping the table, picking up trash/spilled food and returning any furniture moved to its original location).  Spray cleanser, trash bags, brooms and extra towels/toilet paper are all available in the supply room.
        * Close the pool down if you are the last one to leave (this involves turning off the radio and lights, making sure all of the doors/gates are locked and closing any open umbrellas).
        * Homeowners should remove any trash bags on the pool deck that are near full to the large trash cans in the parking lot and place a new trash bag in the pool deck can.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the rules regarding pets?
    Pets are not allowed off their owner's lot except on a leash.  Neighbors who observe a pet off leash are encouraged to contact the pet's owner, if known, or call Animal Control at 296-5807.  Pet owners are also required to clean up after their pets, including on roadways and common areas.  Stations providing bags and waste receptacles are located throughout the neighborhood to assist in that effort.
    Homeowners should refer to the Covenants, Article IX, Section 1(t) and the Rules and Regulations for additional rules regarding pets.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the standards for mailboxes, mailbox paint, etc.?
    Mailbox Guidelines
    These guidelines set the standard for maintaining your mailbox in Foxcroft.  The Board of Directors has prepared these instructions to maintain consistency throughout our Community.  Variations from these guidelines can only be made upon approval of the Architectural Review Board (ARB).  
    The mailbox is a black #2 rural mailbox.  The dimensions are 23½” x 11½” x 15”.   
    Click here for the dimensions for the mailbox posts/paper boxes.
    VDOT requires that the base of the post have 2” diameter holes drilled through it for safety purposes.  One is to be drilled 4” above ground level and the second is to be 18” above ground level.  
    The mailbox post is to be painted in black semi-gloss. 
    It is a postal requirement that your mailbox post has your house number displayed. The number is to placed on the support so that the mail carrier can see it when approaching your mailbox.  It is not a requirement to have your street name included on the mailbox.  Replacement stenciling can be obtained from Classic Signs.  Their telephone number is 971-9735.
    If you choose to use metallic numbers, they must be 3 to 4 inches in brass.  It is also acceptable to use the reflective type numbers.  These reflect just like stop signs when light is directed on them.  This is particularly helpful when emergency services are looking for your house number.  They may be ordered at the web site. 
    Any questions regarding these guidelines can be discussed with a member of your Board of Directors or the Association Manager.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the upcoming community activities?
    There is always something fun happening at Foxcroft!  Upcoming activities can generally be found on the website under Upcoming Events.  You can use the RSVP feature on the website to register (if registration is required).
    If you are interested in helping with an event or suggesting an event, or if you would like more information about a planned event, you can contact the Social Committee chairperson via the Contact Us section on our website.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the initiation fee used for?
    The initiation fee is generally used for the maintenance of the common area.  It is also used to create a reserve for potential capital expenses that might otherwise require a special assessment or increase in the monthly dues amount. 
  • chevron_rightWhat options are there for trash pickup?
    Waste collection is contracted on an individual basis by each homeowner with a private company.  The most commonly used company within Foxcroft are County Waste Trash Service and Time Disposal.
  • chevron_rightWhat types of projects require architectural review?
    Architectural Review Board (ARB)
    Foxcroft Owners must request review of plans for exterior changes, alterations or additions to their property by the Foxcroft Architectural Review Board (ARB).  The Architectural and Landscaping Guidelines for our community are in the Foxcroft Owners Association covenants, Article VIII, pages 19-21.  The intent of these guidelines is to help preserve and enhance property values in our community.  The guidelines state that no exterior improvements or changes can be made without the written conditional approval of the ARB.  Alterations and improvements are defined as any work that alters the Lot from its improved state when it was purchased.  Examples of alterations include changes in color of the siding or roofing, excavations, changes in grade, clearing, fencing, or major landscaping. 
        In order to expedite your request for conditional approval of the improvements to your property, your application should include your name, phase/lot number, the date, daytime and evening phone numbers, your property address, and a description of your request.  In addition, a site plan showing your existing house location on the lot with the location and nature of your planned improvements clearly and accurately shown is required.  The plan should show the nature, size, kind, shape, height, materials, colors and location on the lot of the work to be done.  It is also helpful to include photos of representative improvements such as existing fencing, shed or retaining walls in the neighborhood.  A complete set of plans showing elevations will also be required for additions or other improvements to the exterior of the house.  An application form can be obtained by contacting a member of the ARB or downloading one here.  In addition, applications may be submitted using an on-line form.

    ARB Information:
    Downloadable Application (.pdf)
    On-line Application

    Architectural Review Guidelines

    Uniform Sign Regulations

    Guidelines for Real Estate Signs
        The conditional approval only becomes final when the actual work is completed as it was set forth in the plans.  If final approval is refused by the ARB, the Owner may be required to make recommended changes and then resubmit the plan for the work to obtain final approval.  If an owner makes exterior changes that require ARB approval without obtaining conditional approval or completes any work without seeking ARB final approval, the Foxcroft Owners Association or any member of the community may take legal action.  This is outline in Article IX, section 2, page 25 of the covenants.  The ARB and the Owners Association have the right, but are not obligated, to correct violations of the Architectural and Landscaping Guidelines.
        Sometimes improvement projects may significantly affect your surrounding neighbors.  Although final approval rests with the Architectural Review Board, the Board reserves the right to notify your immediate neighbors of your proposed plans and to consider their concerns regarding your improvement project.  We suggest that you talk with your neighbors about your plans for improvements to your lot, such as fencing and retaining walls, prior to initiating the project. 
        To submit your request for architectural review, please mail all the required documents to the following address:
    Foxcroft Architectural Review Board
    PO Box 1196
    Charlottesville, VA  22902
    Or email using the Contact us section of the website
        You may also drop off a complete set of documents with one of the members of the ARB.  Please allow up to 30 days for approval.  The goal of the ARB is a 5-7 day turnaround for approval if all plans are accurate and complete.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call one of the ARB members via the Contus Us section on our website.
  • chevron_rightWhere are the walking trails?
    The walking trails circle the neighborhood ald also connect with larger trails which extend beyond the neighborhood.  Below is a map of the trails (indicated in brown):
  • chevron_rightWho's responsible for maintaining the streets, including snow removal, within the community?
    Streets are maintained and repaired by VDOT.  They are responsible for snowplowing.  The telephone number for the local VDOT garage is 286-3201 if you need to report any street maintenance issue.